The MHSTeCA offers an opportunity for tennis coaches to work together toward the improvement of both individual and collective facets of the profession. For over 40 years, it has promoted and supported clinics that have featured some of the foremost experts in our field. Past speakers have included Arthur Ashe, Chris Evert, Vic Brandon, Tim Gullikson, Dennis Vandermeer and Peter Burwash. In addition, the Association Board selectes the All-State team and the Coach of the Year award, initiates significant rules changes (the change to four equal divisions and the 16 point state qualifier rule are but two examples), speaks with a unified voice when working with the MHSAA (the Gender Equity Lawsuit is but one example), offers a Tournament Clearinghouse to aid in Saturday tournaments, and boasts an excellent website filled with useful information. The MHSTeCA membership fee of $30.00 includes:
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Click here to start the payment process.(NOTE: If you coach at two different schools, please fill out a form for each school.) |