Fill in information, print out form, and send to Ed Waits.


Street Address:

City: State: Zip:

Home phone: ()- Cell phone: ()-

Number of years coaching Tennis:
Varsity Boys: Varsity Girls: Junior Varsity: Junior High:

Total Overall Dual Meet Record: WonLost

Coaching Record for BOYS Tennis (including matches as Assistant)

19 to
19 to
19 to
Total Dual Meet Record:
Number of Regional Titles:
Number of Regional 2nd Place
finishes (qualified for State):

On the back summarize your State Tournament record (Number of State Titles and/or best finishes - include dates)

Coaching Record for GIRLS Tennis (including matches as Assistant)

 19 to
 19 to
 19 to
Total Dual Meet Record:
Number of Regional Titles:
Number of Regional 2nd Place
finishes (qualified for State):

On the back summarize your State Tournament record (Number of State Titles and/or best finishes - include dates)



In the past, the MHSTeCA Hall of Fame Selection Committee has had considerable difficulty making decisions merely on the basis of the above information. However, many applicants have aided the selection process by providing copies of newspaper articles which highlighted their achievements, by writing autobiographies which discuss their personal tennis background, and/or by having friends/colleagues write letters of recommendation.  In whatever form you wish, it is highly desirable that you include information that addresses itself to the criteria for selection.

In other words, the committee would like to know about contributions you have made to Michigan high school tennis (Have you managed regionals, run tournaments, served on committees, etc.?), to the MHSTeCA (Have you attended workshops, been a board member, called with ranking information, etc.?), and/or your community (Have you run a summer program, lobbied the board of education for new courts, etc.?). The committee is also interested in the circumstances surrounding your tenure (small rural community where tennis was previously nonexistent, for instance), how you got started in coaching, your background as a player, the names of your players who have gone on to play college tennis, and/or who have gone on to coach. Feel free to add anything else that you think the committee might find relevant and impressive.

Please return this information, in any form you wish, together with the application to:

Ed Waits
8720  Vanderstel Dr.
Newaygo,  MI   49337