Michigan High School Tennis Coaches Association
Process for Adding New Board Members to the MHSTeCA
MHSTeCA members who show up to Board meetings but who aren’t Board Members may observe the meeting but are not allowed to participate.
Prior to attending a MHSTeCA Board Meeting, New Board Members must receive:
- Approval from the District Director
- Approval from the President
- Orientation information from Board President
- Coach approaches current Board Member about joining, or vice versa
- Board Member notifies District Director (DD)
- DD determines if there is need considering makeup of District membership
- Filling any openings created by coaches retiring or leaving Board
- Diversity
- D1-D2-D3-D4 coaches representation mirrors District schools
- District Director notifies President
- President either approves nominee or sends his name on to his Cabinet for their remarks
- If approved, President sends orientation email
Orientation email includes:
- Dates of upcoming Board meetings
- Minutes from previous meetings
- Note that Roberts Rules of Order is used
- General responsibilities of Board Member